Mexico, a scream for independence.Discovery Channel wanted to Celebrate Mexico's independence by producing a series of ID's. Our proposal was to sort of deconstruct the elements of the Mexican flag ( flags are usually the first symbols of independence of countries ) The idea was not to "explain" this symbols, or colors, in a strict academical or historical sense, but to present them in a different way to allow new relations and interpretations. So the Mexican viewers could rediscovery the essence of their independence.Each ID has also a text that complement the message:CACTUS / GREEN:"Our country must live... where freedom does."EAGLE (golden feather) / WHITE:"Freedom is to have the capacity of being... all you can be."SNAKE / RED:"Heroes are the ones with the courage to face their fears... and defeat them."
Creative Direction
Hubert Reinfeld
Hubert Reinfeld
Lucy De Freitas
Live Action Direction
Vladimir Mihalkov
Art Direction
Crsitina Briceno
Vladimir Mihalkov
Graphic Design
Cristina Briceno
Animation & Compositing
Alejandro Ocando
Marcial Gonzalez
Vladimir Mihalkov
Color Grading
Vladimir Mihalkov
Slytherin The Snake
Daniel Zahalka